Travel Information

How to find your way to Sunniland Ranch Airport

Pilots arrival on site, and test flying: Friday December 6 & Saturday 7.

Competition begins: Sunday December 8.

Arrival by Commercial air:

Sunniland Ranch Airport is less than 3 hours by road from all three major Florida Airports, where vehicle rental is available:
Orlando International Airport: 1h 45min
Palm Beach International Airport: 1h 30min
Miami Airport: 2h 45min
Tampa Airport: 3h

For more info on private aircraft fling directly into Sunniland Ranch Airport please review the NOTAMs for the event.

Arrival by car:

Follow directions to the Sunniland Ranch Airport 12245 NE 56th Ave, Okeechobee, FL 34972. Parking will be available for visitors on site.